Spectracide Weed Killer Review

Spectracide is one of the most popular weed killer brands on the market. The company has produced multiple types of insecticides and herbicides, but it is perhaps best known for the Spectracide brand weed killers.

Spectracide can be used on lawns to get rid of and control weeds and grasses that are not desired. It comes in multiple formulations, including a ready-to-use spray bottle, a concentrate for a 1-gallon sprayer, and granules that you broadcast across your yard. The product has been around since the 1950s and has been one of the most trusted names in weed control solutions ever since.

Some of the most common weeds that Spectracide can be used to control include dandelions, clover, crabgrass, and even poison ivy. This weed killer is best for use on broadleaf plants like these instead of grasses.

Finally, as with any pesticide around kids and pets, make sure they stay away from treated areas until they dry thoroughly.

Why use Spectracide weed killer?

In short, because of the cost and effectiveness. Spectracide is an affordable weed killer that can treat even hard-to-kill weeds like phragmites and poison ivy without too much trouble. It is long-lasting and gets the job done quickly.

Most homeowners want a product they can use on their lawns either as a preventative measure or as a corrective treatment. Spectracide is an excellent choice for those homeowners who just need something to rid their lawns of those pesky weeds that inevitably sprout up.

How do I mix Spectracide weed killer?

The concentrate can be mixed with water in a 1-gallon sprayer. For clover or dandelions, use 2 tablespoons of concentrate per gallon of water. 

For perennials like phragmites or poison ivy, use 4 tablespoons per gallon. The spray should be applied to the leaves until they are wet using a sweeping motion back and forth across the yard. 

Keep pets and children off treated areas until they dry completely.

What are the main ingredients in Spectracide?

The main ingredient in Spectracide Weed killers is Diquat Dibromide, which helps your lawn absorb water better. Other ingredients include Fluazifop-p-butyl and Dicamba, both of which are broadleaf herbicides that help kill weeds and grasses.

How long does it take for Spectracide to kill weeds?

It typically takes between 2 and 4 hours from the time you apply Spectracide before it’s fully effective. However, since the product is designed to work on actively growing weeds, you’ll see noticeable results much sooner.

How quickly does Spectracide weed killer work?

It is most effective when it’s applied to weeds that are actively growing, so the sooner you can apply it after noticing problem weeds or grasses, the better. It will typically be fully effective within 2 to 4 hours of application but wait at least 24 hours before allowing children or pets into the treated area.

What types of weeds does Spectracide work on?

Spectracide Weed Stop works best on weeds like dandelions, clover, chickweed, crabgrass, poison ivy, and other troublesome weeds. It is not recommended for use on grasses.

Does Spectracide is good against grassy weeds?

Spectracide can be used on a wide variety of broadleaf weeds, including grassy types like crabgrass.

Does Spectracide kill yellow nutsedge?

Spectracide Weed Stop does not contain nutsedge weed control products, so it’s not strong enough to kill yellow nutsedge.

Is Spectracide also a grass killer?

Yes, Spectracide has two types of products: one that kills weeds and grasses, and another that only kills weeds. The latter is more common as it’s less likely to harm your lawn if used as directed.


Is Spectracide good against perennial ryegrass?

Yes, the product Spectracide Weed Stop For Lawns Concentrate is effective against annual and perennial ryegrasses as well as a wide variety of broadleaf weeds.

How long does it take for Spectracide to dry?

Spectracide should be fully effective within 2 hours of application, but it can take up to 24 hours before you allow children or pets into the treated area. It will be dry by then and pose no threat after that time.

How long does it take for Spectracide to stop working?

It can last up to 6 months in your yard when used as directed, giving you effective weed control all season long. Be sure to reseed treated areas after 1 week.

Can I spray Spectracide weed killer on my plants?

No, you should only use it in areas where weeds and grasses are actively growing for best results.

How often can I spray Spectracide?

You can use Spectracide Weed Stop as often as you like for complete weed and grass control. But remember to wait at least one day after the last application before allowing children or pets into the treated area.

How long after using Spectracide Can I seed?

A week after using you can reseed treated areas, but be sure to keep it moist for the first few days.

How long do I have to wait before planting flowers or vegetables?

You shouldn’t plant new plants in a treated area for at least 4 weeks.

What is the shelf life of the Spectracide weed killer?

Spectracide Weed Stop lasts up to one year from the date of purchase. Store it in a cool, dry place away from children and pets to maximize its shelf life.

Where should I store the Spectracide weed killer?

Store Spectraccide Weed Stop it in a cool, dry place away from children, pets, and open flame to maximize its shelf life.

My conclusions

Spectraccide Weed killer Kills all broadleaf and grassy weeds.

Protect your lawn from crabgrass growth by providing a one-time weed killer.

some of the products come with a built-in sprayer for easy application to your lawn.

Apply as soon as you see the first signs of weeds in your lawn

Kills weeds, not the lawn.

Controls 470+ types of weeds including crabgrass, dandelion, chickweed, clover, and yellow nutsedge

Apply when you see crabgrass on your lawn for quick results

Rainproof with the most effective weed killer.

The weatherproof formula that keeps killing weeds even after rains.

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