How To Keep Pests Out Of Your Garden

Garden pests are something that every gardener has to deal with. There are many ways to control garden predators, including using netting, pesticides, and beneficial insects. These tips will tell you how you can keep pests out of your garden without having to use harmful chemicals or unsightly nets.

To fight insects, insert a few cloves into the soil around your plants. Insects don’t like the smell of cloves, and they will disappear from that area within a few days. If you want to fight fungus, mix wormwood leaves with water and pour it over your plants. Also, add some to the soil in which you plant them because this herb is very effective and will keep your garden safe from fungus and other diseases.

The strong smell of garlic is also a natural deterrent to many pests. Garlic repels aphids, whiteflies, and potato beetles. Simply plant some bulbs of garlic around your plants or make a spray with chopped garlic cloves in water after which you can spray it on the plants. Peppermint is effective against ants, caterpillars, and beetles. If you mix the leaves of peppermint with water and spray them on your plants, they will keep garden pests away for longer.

Pepper is an excellent natural pesticide that will keep many types of insects away from your garden. This method can be rather expensive since peppercorns are very small. However, if you are able to find larger peppercorns for a reasonable price, they might be worth the expense.

Keeping rodents away from your garden

Keeping rodents away from your garden is just as important as keeping insects away. To keep mice out of your garden or flowerbeds, sprinkle black pepper or sand around it. This will ensure that mice will stay away.

Keeping rabbits out of your garden

Rabbits don’t like the smell of onions. If you make a mixture with onion skins and water, you can spray it onto plants that are attractive to rabbits or onto the area around your garden. This will keep them at bay for as long as the smell stays strong enough.

Keeping Ants away from your garden

Ants are another garden pest. Luckily, there is a very simple way of keeping most ants away from your garden. Simply mix together equal parts of cinnamon and cloves, then sprinkle the mixture around your garden. This will keep most ants at bay.

To get rid of fire ants that have already invaded your yard or to kill pharaoh ant nests, you will need to use borax. Mix three teaspoons of borax with 1 gallon of boiling water, then sprinkle it around your garden or lawn. This will kill the ants while being safe for other animals.

Pouring boiling water on anthills is another useful method of killing ants. Just be careful not to splash yourself with the hot mixture. Also, if you don’t want a repeat appearance of ant mounds in that area, sprinkle some borax or salt around your garden.

Keeping Moles away from your garden

Moles are another problem for many gardeners. You can keep moles away from your garden by simply adding castor oil to the water you use to water your plants. They won’t be able to stand the smell of it, so they will stay away.

Keeping Cats Away from your garden

Cats will dig up flowerbeds and eat tender, young seedlings. Although it might be a good idea to have pets in general, cats are never welcome guests in the garden.

Luckily, there is a very simple and cheap way of getting rid of cats. Simply sprinkle some orange peels around the plants that cats like to dig up. Cats don’t like citrus scent and will stay away from such areas for as long as the smell lasts.

Keeping dogs out of your garden

Dogs are often not a problem for your garden, but if you have a particular area that is out of bounds for them, it is important to use repellents. Dogs simply don’t like the smell of chili peppers and will stay away from areas where they can smell it.

If you make a powder with cayenne pepper and spread it around the areas that dogs are not allowed to access, they’ll stay away and won’t be able to dig up your garden bed.

Mothballs and water. This is an extremely smelly mixture that most dogs won’t like and they will stay away as long as the smell lasts

Keeping Wasps away from your garden

Wasps can be a problem if you plant fragrant flowers in your garden. They will come and steal the nectar, causing damage to both your flowers and yourself. Luckily, there is a very simple solution to this problem. Use powdered cloves mixed with water to create a mixture that you can spray around the flowers to repel wasps.

Keeping Raccoons out of your garden

Raccoons are another pest that might be interested in what you grow in your garden. To keep raccoons out of your garden, you can use mothballs or chili powder to scare them away. You can also suspend these above the plants using fishing lines to ensure that they won’t get damaged by rain and wind.

Keeping Squirrels away from your vegetable garden

Squirrels are another pest that will dig up your vegetable plants if you let them. They also steal fruit off trees, but there are several ways to keep them out of your yard or garden. To successfully prevent squirrels from coming into the area where you have planted vegetables, try making a mixture of chili pepper and black pepper. Grind up some chili pepper and add it to the mixture with black pepper, then sprinkle the powder around your garden. On your trees, you can try sprinkling some mothballs or patchouli oil.

I heard that human hair around your garden. Squirrels don’t like the smell of it and will leave for good.

Let me know if it worked for you 🙂

Keeping Birds Away from your garden

Birds aren’t as much of a problem for gardens as other pests are but they can still damage your plants or seeds if they are hungry enough. To keep these pests away, you can use various methods, but perhaps the most effective one is netting. Just make sure that it’s well supported so the birds won’t even be able to land on it to see what’s underneath.

Keeping Foxes out of your garden

Foxes might be cute, but they are definitely not welcome in your garden. They will dig up your vegetable garden or destroy flowerbeds if given the chance. Using mothballs is also a good way to keep foxes away from flowers and fruit trees. Simply put a few mothballs in a small paper bag and tie it to the tree to keep foxes away.

Keeping Midges out of your garden

Midges are another pest that will visit your garden if you give them the chance. They can be especially harmful to young seedlings and delicate flowers, so it’s important to keep these insects away from such areas.

The simplest way of doing this is by using a mixture of dish soap and water in a spray bottle. Just mix ten parts of water with one part of dish soap, then spray the mixture onto the plants in the evening.

Another way to get rid of midges is to sprinkle some powdered garlic around the area that needs to be protected.

Keeping Caterpillars away from your garden

As with most bugs, if you let caterpillars into your garden they will eat all of the plants. You can simply spray them off using water but it’s much more effective to use diluted orange essential oil. Just mix some essential oil with water and spray it onto the affected leaves of your plants.

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